Monday, November 1, 2010


bits and pieces:

im still alive and in macedonia in a small village in the mountains with fourty people, ten of whom are officially crazy and the other fourty including us, are unofficially so. the mountains and forests are unbelievably beautiful, the nights are frosty and the dogs all work as werewolves at night. im living for free on a farm, but the girl just started the community and its off season, so there isnt much to do, but walk and drink water and rakia with shopska salata, look at the amazing mountains and keep putting wood in the stove when the night comes, because its very cold here at night. i missed ana by one day, she left six hours before i came. i guess she needed to keep moving. i understand, i have the same feeling. to greece in a few days and may be i will find here there. i want to make nettle stew for the people in the house, and then off i go. the locals come visit and bring things often, so its definitely a new crown to hang out with. im still a bit sick. there is a guy here with a guitar and maja (the owner of the house) likes to sing to and has a few drums around, so there is a good bit of music, but its bitter sweet for me without rob and will.

very limited internet access
writing a lot on paper

much love



  1. ...and keep putting wood in the stove when the night comes... You make me jealous. I love the smell, the light, the warmth of wood and fire in a stove. LOVE and MISS you.

  2. I can't wait for your next post. I want to hear more about your travels. I want to show you the films I've made this year. It's really fun cutting real film and then splicing it together. Love you. We need to go hiking when you get back. Miss you :)
